Sunday, March 23, 2025

CO2 – a percentage of a percentage

Well done correspondent Ian George (Times, June 22) for daring to question the current ideology regarding CO2 emissions.

Taking his figure of 0.17 per cent, as New Zealand’s contributions towards the world’s total CO2 emissions, I’ve taken claims from the Beehive that transport contributes 47 per cent of that, making 0.08 per cent of global CO2 comes from New Zealand transport.

CO2 is a trace atmospheric gas, comprising only 0.03 per cent of the atmosphere. Therefore the New Zealand transport contribution makes up 0.0024 per cent of the atmosphere. The Government is pushing hard to reduce this tiny percentage to an even tinier percentage at considerable expense to individuals and the economy as a whole.

I’m not at all convinced that their efforts will make any difference to the climate but it might generate significant localised hot air from virtue signalling.

Darrin Heaven

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