Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Cone madness

Uxbridge Road near the Howick Library has become the epicenter of Cone Madness.

Auckland Transport (AT) is repairing a driveway entrance so has coned off a football length of Uxbridge Road for some strange reason that only AT can understand. I took these photos on Tuesday, November 1. Nobody was working on the site and no machinery was present.

I spoke to a man from AT who just happened to be present. He was very nice but was frightened that if he spoke to me, he would lose his job. He was terrified when I took the photo of his AT sign-written car licence plate so I have blocked it out.

I counted 79 cones covering both sides of the road. Mayor Wayne Brown is right about AT. AT have lost the plot or perhaps never had the plot in the first place.

It might not be so bad except this is happening everywhere around Auckland and other cities as well. I am willing to bet that somebody is making a ton of money putting out these cones and us ratepayers are paying for it.

John Caldwell

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