Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Democracy to dictatorship?

We have recently had our democratic election for mayor and councillors for the Auckland Council.

These people are our elected representatives and the only ones entitled to sit at the council table to decide the future of Auckland and how our rates money will be spent.

They should tell anyone else who turns up to go away as they have no right to be there

We have the non-ratepayer elected IMSB tipping the balance of the voting within the council and now the Government of Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta want to impose more on us so the left can control more of our rates money in pay-outs.

We cannot vote them out and they are only a sucker of ratepayers’ funds. We never wanted them so they are irrelevant and their opinions do not count. Get rid of them.
Let us adhere to democratic principles

Arthur Moore

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