Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Deniers are wrong

Re: Climate fearmongering (H. Weekers, Times, November 23).

H. Weekers writes, “Lots of scientist[s] do not subscribe to the doomsday scenario …”

Given time, I could name 150,000 scientists publishing on climate science who broadly endorse the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] reports. He could not name 15 working climate scientists who do not.

He continues, ”Science is never settled…” Never? When he arises in the morning, does he anticipate wafting to the ceiling or are his feet on the ground?

All else being equal, it’s the CO2 level that controls Earth’s temperature – by controlling how much of the energy received from the Sun is radiated back to space. That is as much a fact as evolution, plate tectonics or any other science found in textbooks.

Saying otherwise is like claiming the World Trade Center was demolished by explosives. Thousands of engineers in America do – but that doesn’t make it true. We saw the heavy airliners fly into it, and the man who designed it explained why and how it came down. The “deniers” are wrong. The truth is not somewhere in between.

It’s the same with global warming. The science as summarised by the IPCC is right, and those who disagree are wrong. It they want to refute it, the forum for scientific debate is scientific journals. Where are these “real” scientists?

Oh I forgot, there is a vast conspiracy to silence them. Like the truth about man never reaching the moon, and Covid vaccinations being Bill Gates’ way reducing the world population.

Dennis Horne

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