Saturday, March 29, 2025

Food scrap bins not worth it

The first Friday some of us in our street put out our food scraps bins they were not collected. I reported it on the Monday and they were collected on the Tuesday.

Two weeks later and a truck has just collected the stuff in our food scraps bins in The Glebe at 7am Saturday, December 2.

Once again, we put out our bins and once again they have not been collected. However someone has been paid to come around and attached a tag to each thanking us for using the bins.

It seems to me that this plan to get us to reduce landfill by having a separate collection for food scraps is a waste of resources – the plastic bins, the provision of bin liners, the truck and fuel, two men required to empty the bins, the transport to the station where the stuff will be used and all the resources needed for that station to operate and the frustration I feel having to ring the Council to tell them to do the job, to list but a few issues.

So much for saving the planet!

Vicky Williamson, Cockle Bay

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