Thursday, February 27, 2025

Foundations of faith missing

The new Secular Education review is underway and has a demand to instruct in gender identity, conversion therapy and other liberal secular teachings.

Dr. AML MacFarlan was principal of Saint Kentigern College, Pakuranga, in 1957. He wrote the following:

“The child has to be trained, guided and nourished so that he or she may be able to face life – life in a complex and difficult 20th (21st) Century in New Zealand.

“Education therefore must be more than a secular activity and the fundamental place of religion in it cannot be ignored.

“If we prize our youth’s highest interest we cannot deny them the highest truth. It is fatal to send them into the world without the armour of religion, without the foundation of faith.”

The recent ram-raids, stolen cars and robberies by 14-year-olds screams loud and clear that the secular emphasis in schools and their whanau is failing our children’s education and their journey of faith.

Ian George,

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