Saturday, February 22, 2025

Free Speech

Big tech in its ability to control our conversations is acting as censor of free speech. Free speech is at the core of liberty and democracy. We are under threat like never before.

In a free democracy we must have to ability to criticise and disagree within our Government. ‘Hate’ speech has no place in a democracy but is always evident in totalitarian regimes like China. If China had its way in NZ, we would all have to conform to the Government dictates. Dissidents would be locked up. There would be no freedom of discussion.

The Government knows best how we are supposed to live, not you the citizen. So big tech is helping this surveillance with its public data collection; these
in turn help the rising of totalitarian governments. This is exactly what is happening under Joe Biden’s administration in the USA. Global communication and control is here, the rule by government for the people not by the people is here. Soon only those who accept the prison of totalitarianism will be able to buy and sell. Unless we take a stand and defend our democracy, we will lose it.

Ian George, Howick

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