Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Girl Guiding NZ Unit Leaders required

We have some Girl Guiding units that could do with a few more helping hands.

Help facilitate opportunities for girls to contribute to the planning of future programmes and activities and ensure that there is a strong girl voice in the unit and that girls are heard and listened to.

Units meet weekly during school terms. Full training and ongoing support provided.

Bucklands Beach

  • Buckland’s Beach Pippins 5-6 year olds, Tuesday 4.15pm-5.15pm. Bucklands Beach Sea Scout Hall
  • Pax Tu Brownies 7-9.5-year olds, Tuesday 4.15pm-5.45pm.. Bucklands Beach Sea Scout Hall


Whetu Brownies 7-9.5-year olds, Wednesday 5.15pm-6.45pm. Glenmore Road Hall


Arawhai Guides 9-12.5-year olds, Tuesday 6pm-8pm Glen House Hall

Email: volunteer.enquiries@ggnz.org.nz for more information
Sign up online: https://girlguidingnz.org.nz/volunteers

Claudine Tonga,Volunteer Recruitment Co-ordinator – Central and Upper North Island GirlGuiding New Zealand

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