Tuesday, February 25, 2025

God’s Big Bang response

What about the Big Bang being God’s work (re letters, Times, September 14)?

Well, it wasn’t mentioned in the scriptures (unlike the 6 days comment) and it’s only happened once in 15 billion years but we don’t have enough knowledge to explain that, or ghosts or telepathy or UFOs or Auckland Transport policies, so let’s just say God did everything we can’t explain (yet).

The implication that the Big Bang signifies a god doesn’t consider the fact it’s only happened once in 15 billion years and therefor maybe said God’s mum told him off for playing with explosives and sent him off for some time out or he’s slipped into the multiverse and is currently busy blowing stuff up over there to see if he gets another rock full of humans.

Randel Case
Bucklands Beach

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