Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Howick War Memorial Hall must re-open

Re the item in the Times ‘I am not going to be bullied’ (Times, October 26), I am concerned about Adele White’s attitude to the re-opening of the Howick War Memorial Hall.

Her response to the delegation to the Local Board meeting, held prior to the council elections, who wished to speak about the Howick War Memorial Hall was petty and unbecoming of a person in her role and a representative of Howick.

I was part of a support group of information service volunteers at a Howick Local Board meeting (October 2020 I think) regarding the re-opening of this venue. Our spokesperson had been given a speaking spot on the agenda but, on the morning of that meeting, was advised that the spot had been cancelled.

A generous member of the public, who had also been allocated speaking time, granted half of their time to our spokesperson. Throughout the presentation by our spokesperson Ms White spent much of it chatting to her neighbour. It is clear from her actions then and recently that she is averse to the re-opening of the facility in any form.

The Howick War Memorial Hall was built from the funds raised by the citizens of Howick along with a Government grant. Therefore it is a facility which should be open for use by the Howick community. The Howick Community Hub Incorporated has worked hard to create an entity which can run it.

The Howick Local Board must make the re-opening of this facility a priority because we are entitled to use it.

Vicky Williamson
Bucklands Beach

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