Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hydrogen fuel the way forward

Transport of goods and people already accounts for one third of the Earth’s greenhouse gases.

Cars will cease to be a problem when they become EVs.

Heavy transport, such as trucks, ships and airlines should quickly follow.

If London’s hydrogen-fuelled buses are anything, trucks could soon be hydrogen-fuelled.

Electric motors in trucks are currently in operation but are disadvantaged by the time taken to charge batteries. Hydrogen-fuelled trucks don’t have that disadvantage.

There is already a hydrogen-fuelled ferry operating in Santa Monica which would indicate the same technology could equally apply to cruise and container ships.

Airbus has three hydrogen-fuelled concept planes to be in operation by 2035.

Hydrogen fuel has three times the energy output of current aviation fuel. One, on a smaller scale, has already been successfully trialled.

Forest fires are running rampant and an estimated 50,000 animals, if we include insects, are currently being made extinct by such events.

If politicians are serious about climate change on the scale of change needed, the urgency – in most cases – that is being applied to vaccinating the world’s population, to hydrogen power, and birth control to reduce the earth’s population, would give the coming generation, at the very least, a window of hope for their very survival and catastrophic climate events some semblance of returning to normal.

Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay

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