Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Is light rail right for us?

The proposed Auckland Light Rail Route Map (left); Auckland Light Rail visual of Sandringham Station. Photo/image supplied

The editor of the Herald mentions Sydney, Tokyo and Hong Kong’s super-efficient light rail systems as role models.

What he fails to mention is these are cities of 8 million-plus population and therefore can afford it.
Auckland barely makes two million and can’t.

Furthermore, because of the hell-on-earth high rise dwellings the council is creating for its citizens, the regional tax and living here is no longer affordable.

One in three Aucklanders is considering, and in fact, already leaving it.
On top of that, within 30 years because of rising seas, Auckland Airport runways will be well and truly under water.

What then?

Gary Hollis
Mellons Bay

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