Monday, March 10, 2025

Lack of law and order

Re: ‘I’m not afraid to use armed force’ (Times, May 3).

It is no surprise that frustrations with lack of law and order have spawned this letter.

It is no doubt a result of the escalating crime rate which the police do not appear to have the resources to deal with.

Although the crime rate has gone up, the numbers of people with jail sentences has gone down. If the criminals were in jail, it would be almost impossible for them to be committing violent crime.

I consider the judiciary to be at fault here as I do not consider home detention to be a punishment, and effective punishment is needed to deter people from being criminals.

This letter (“I am not afraid to use armed force”) and hopefully the actions it will initiate is long overdue and I hope the authorities will address the frustrations that caused the letter to be written and not try to punish the author, but take some positive action, but I doubt it.

Arthur Moore,

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