Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Let’s talk about oxygen content

Climate change has been with us forever – just look at the history records.

Nonetheless it affects all of us in different ways. Flooding has hit us hard this year especially on the East Coast and Auckland. It was an earthquake that hit us hard in Christchurch and again in Kaikoura. We can expect more of the same.

To blame CO2 content in the air is misplaced. We each expel about 1kg of CO2 each day. Does this mean we should stop breathing or limit the world population?

What is more, nature is the main contributor to CO2 emissions and is also the best absorber. What interests me more is the 21 per cent oxygen content in our air.

This has to remain constant all around the planet for us big lung creatures – if it does not – we die! Who is showing concern for the oxygen content? Certainly not James Shaw, Chloe Swarbrick or any other politicians, not even Klaus Schwab, King Charles or the UN.
Ho hum!

The best we can do in this turbulent time is to strengthen buildings to better resist earthquakes, avoid steep slip zones near habitations, build bridges that don’t block-up with slash and develop a ‘particle board’ from all that ground up slash. Keep resilience and invention forefront.

Ian George

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