Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Lose centimetres for charity

The ”Centimetres for Charity” Challenge (for over 40s only) runs for six weeks starting on February 12.

Our facility will contribute $10 for each person participating plus $5 for every cm each participant loses around their waistline during the six week challenge.

We have surveyed our current members to determine the most popular charity and we have decided on the Breast Cancer Foundation.

The challenge will involve a combination of nutrition coaching, group classes and personalised/individual exercise programmes as well as accountability to make sure they stick to it.

We now have two locations – the main gym studio is in Highland Park (corner of Aberfeldy Ave and Highland Park Drive) and the group classes will run from our old location at the Howick RSA.

In order to participate, people need to book for a quick phone call with one of us to discuss their needs and if this challenge is right for them.

Now, generally Growing Younger is an all-in-one solution specifically designed for people over 40 who want to get fit, lose weight, regain their confidence.

Thanks to our unique all-in-all approach we received a top Innovation Award the 2020 NZ Fitness Industry Awards.

Alex Blazhevskyiy

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