Monday, March 31, 2025

More efficient planning system

Re: Recommendation from the Taxpayers Union re Resource Management Act.

We need to be aware of this Act as it could affect all of us.

While the Resource Management Act is in urgent need of reform, the proposed Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill are not the solution.

Rather than deliver a more efficient planning system, these reforms would simply serve to add additional layers of bureaucracy, heighten legal uncertainty, increase cost and dilute local decision-making and democratic accountability while failing to address the fundamental incentives problem faced by councils when considering developments.

Both bills have come under sustained and significant criticism from a great many parties who have expertise and a strong and relevant interest in resource management issues.

While the Environment Select Committee could recommend changes to improve the bills, such changes would be so extensive that it is very likely unachievable by the June reporting date.

Many parties have recommended that both bills be withdrawn and that a reappraisal of the approach to resource management be conducted.

In fact, even the Chair of the Environment Select Committee – albeit in her party capacity – has recently commented that the bills should be sent back for more public consultation.

Arthur Moore

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