Tuesday, April 1, 2025

NZ a bastion of democracy

Thanks for publishing my letter (Times, January 18, “Russia must pay”. May I point out that sadly SA in this letter stands for South Africa and not Saudi Arabia; or more correctly, the South African ANC-led government.

Unbelievably they have supplied a shipload of arms to Russia and furthermore, a joint naval exercise is planned with Russia and China in Durban this February, (Daily Maverick, “The smoke that blunders – Russia, China and SA navy exercise is immoral, stupid and impractical”, by G. Mills and R. Hartley 16/1/23). Criminal and totally reprehensible – Desmond Tutu would be enraged. The west, who supported the freedom struggle, has been abandoned. And oh dear, tonight on Al Jazeera, we hear that the foreign ministers of SA and Russia met in Pretoria.

Alas, the beloved country is riddled with government corruption and power load-shedding is now up to 10 hours a day in places. The head of the power company, who tried to get a grip on corruption, resigned after receiving death threats and being poisoned. He even had to have bodyguards.

New Zealand by contrast is a bastion of democracy. Hats off to Jacinda Ardern for a job well done. New Zealand owes you a debt of gratitude.

Steve Lincoln, Botany Downs

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