Saturday, March 29, 2025

RSE must remain in our schools

Two recent Times articles have expressed one local parent’s concerns about relationship and sexuality education (RSE). I disagree with many of her views, but as an East Auckland school graduate and soon-to-be teacher, I agree schools must be a “safe environment to grow.” Tragically, we are not there yet.

I am grateful that my family was supportive of me when I came out as gay, and that my schools were on a journey to open, respectful conversations.

Many queer youth are not so fortunate. The Counting Ourselves study found that trans and non-binary youth in New Zealand are four times more likely to experience weekly bullying than all youth, are half as likely to participate in sports and two thirds have experienced discrimination.

But there is hope. A majority reported being supported by their whānau/family, like me, and this group had half the risk of attempted suicide as those who were less supported.

Schools currently choose how to implement RSE guidelines with their communities but the new Government has pledged to abolish these guidelines. I urge parents, teachers and boards to support comprehensive RSE so that the horrifying statistics I cited become history, not another generation’s reality.

Henry Lockhart
Bucklands Beach

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