Sale of Airport Shares By Staff June 14, 2023 If the Council has a “debt hole” of $375 million and the sale of airport shares will bring in $900m, why do they need a massive 7 per cent rates increase? Am I missing something? Bob Wichman Botany - Advertisement - - Advertisement - Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedin Previous articleLack of justice for victimsNext articleAuckland Council votes to sell seven per cent of its Airport shares More from Times Online Council Pupil struck by vehicle spurs school pedestrian safety upgrade Art | Entertainment Review: The Teddy Show film premiere – top class Holly in the Burbs Sex And The Suburbs – Holly says no - Advertisement - Latest Art | Entertainment EcoFest aims to encourage environmental awareness Art | Entertainment What’s On – Flyover talk, Zonta Club, Polish Easter, cellist concert Business What exactly is eCommerce Optimisation? Community Principal in Person, with Matthew Cooke, Macleans Primary School - Advertisement - Dining Good vibes, great food at Ormiston Café and Bistro Business Define before design Community Grass fire spreads to unoccupied Whitford house Holly in the Burbs Sex And The Suburbs – Holly says no - Advertisement -