Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The war for the mind

The ideology of humanism, socialism and evolution is being absorbed by our society, culture and education.

Its woke outcomes are evident in the lawlessness surrounding us – the ram raids, shootings, hate, violence, corruption, lies and deceptions.

They are discarding the tried-and-true ethics of our nation’s foundation; truth, wisdom, justice, honesty, integrity, love, unity, patience, selflessness, hope, joy.

Yes, this is our inheritance and it still forms the basis of our nation’s moral foundations whether these woke folk recognise it or not. They are reflections of the character of the living God. This is what He is, a wise just and a loving God.

When we arrogantly dismiss His guidance, we inherit the disasters that we see all around us.

Blind leaders lead the blind and we think they have the political solution at hand.

It is utter madness and it has eroded our thinking. We would be wise to get back and honour these tried-and-true godly foundations.

As we woke to ANZAC day and celebrated the valour and courage of those who gave their lives for our nation, we were reminded again of their godly pursuit of justice. Now we can reject these false ideologies.

Ian George, Howick

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