Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Three Waters ram raid

Sometimes a phenomenon so uncannily manifests the undercurrents of the times from which it sprang that it becomes the vivid symbol of them.

Ram-raids: children running amok on behalf of a gang to smash through the façade of a shopfront with a stolen vehicle to snatch away the spoil, contemptuous of law that can do little to stop them. Why are these happening? Because politicians ran amok on behalf of their gang, smashed through the façade of our civilised society with the misused vehicle of parliamentary authority and with lockdowns made spoil of our founding traditions, principles, freedoms and rights, in furtherance of a destructive, unwanted agenda.

When our ruler’s lack of integrity has so infiltrated our system that they are no longer held accountable by it, even children realise, everything is up for grabs and when government thus vitiates its moral authority, all that’s left to rule by are spin, endless floods of legislation, media control, security services, threats of enforcement, economic mayhem and the inertia and fears of decent people.

Heedless of 88,000 submissions, political ideologues are prepared to tear our country apart to get what they want. Their Three Waters ram-raid will devastate New Zealand.

Rees Sutcliffe, East Tamaki Heights

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