Sunday, March 2, 2025

Welcome back the warships

I couldn’t agree more with Peter Fahey (Sunday Star Times). We need to welcome back US Navy warships, nuclear or otherwise, and enlarge our own navy in the process.

Clearly China and Russia wish to take control both in the Pacfic, Asia and Europe and inevitably the South Pacific thereby clipping the United States’ military wings. China already owns land in 33 countries, including ours, many on strategic trade routes or, in quite a few cases, military bases, one right next to a US base.

The time for blinkered, small town and naive politics and a growing dependency on China is over. The dependency and power Russia exerted over NATO countries by their dependence on Russia’s oil and gas resulting in the tragedy that is Ukraine should serve as a warning to New Zealand. When China marches unheeded into Taiwan which is just around the corner, it may then already be too late.

Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay

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