Tuesday, April 1, 2025

What an opportunity

The Times May 11 article, ”Dispute over building’s use…” i.e. the Howick War Memorial Hall, sets the perfect context to tackle the climate/emissions imperatives our community faces.

Given the IPCC report, NZ’s first Emissions Reduction Plan, and the eco-values many Howick residents would like to see reflected in our community, what an opportunity we have. To meet our collective emissions targets, our community will have to change. Changing together will be much more productive and rewarding as we re-imagine a safe, peaceful, abundant, future.

What if.

1. The building and surrounds reflected Howick’s community spirit and commitment to a regenerative future?

2. We asked our youth to help design a ‘hub’ that supported our community to meet our emissions obligations and ensure a healthy, abundant future?

3. Our current food banks, social services, businesses, churches were involved in the conversation to develop, like nature, a healthy, diverse, interdependent community?

Less is more when we focus and commit to reducing waste. food, energy, time. Let’s not waste this opportunity to find a creative use for this asset.

Yoshimi & Jon Brett
Waipaparoa /Howick Beach

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