Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Where does our rates money go?

As I understand it (and I could be completely wrong), part of our rates money goes towards making our footpaths safe for walking on.

Recently, the rates for our home went up by $80 per month – no consultation – no notification – just bang! An extra $80 a month taken from our bank account.

We put in an objection and asked for our property to be re-valued – this was supposed to be done by the end of 2022 – nothing. Now we are told there is no time limit on the review – could be any time.

That’s beside the point.

Has anyone noticed the terrible state of the footpath on Pakuranga Road? From the pedestrian crossing (opposite St Kent’s College) walking down to the Plaza the footpath is an absolute hazard and danger.

At least three properties have stinking slimy mess pouring out of them. Walking on that slime is like walking on ice and the grass verges either side of the footpath are a complete bog. To get around this mess you either have to walk onto the road (Pakuranga Road is extremely dangerous) or risk slipping over in the muck, which is what my son was unlucky enough to do.

Two weeks ago, I reported this problem to the council who then referred me on to Watercare. Watercare had a look and, as far as I know, from my follow-up call to the council, this job (or I should say these jobs) have been put on hold.

I realise Watercare have been under a lot of pressure with all the bad weather we’ve been having but the problem on Pakuranga Road goes back for months.

Even though my concerns have been noted, there hasn’t been a thing done to make this area safer – no warnings or even some orange cones in place.

I am sure this is going to be a big job to fix as it’s been like this for months (with water pouring down the road) but how long would it take someone to go along there and water blast the slime off – or even more basic, use a shovel) this would remove the immediate danger.

To make matters worse, there is a small army of workers working on an area at the end of the Pakuranga Road footpath – I guess they don’t work for the council and couldn’t possibly be asked to clean the footpath.

So back to my question, where do our rates go? Quite obviously my rates (plus my $80 increase) are not going to the upkeep of our very busy footpaths.

Sue Bentley

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