Thursday, February 27, 2025

Where have all the flowers gone?

A genuine fear now exists in Auckland home owners that having created a flower and vege garden paradise, developers will move in next door and build six or eight 3- or 4-storeyed abominations.

These will cast a shadow over one’s property stifling flora and the life within it, reducing the properties’ value by half or even less.

Future generations of Aucklanders gazing on Auckland’s ever-expanding concrete jungle epitaph may well be “where have all the flowers gone?”

What’s worse, this government has similar plans for all of New Zealand’s major cities.

If there is ever a cause for protestors on the Beehive grounds for a vote of no confidence in the government, then the proposed anti-everything that Kiwis value, high rise, high density housing surely must be it.

Gary Hollis
Mellons Bay

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