Saturday, March 1, 2025

Where’s the government’s accountability?

No New Zealand government has done more than our current one to undermine the traditional conventions of law which once protected our rights as individuals from the abuses of government.

No government has done more to reverse the proper relationship of people as master, government as servant.

Mr Luxon is now promoting himself as the pair of steady hands needed to steer us through the economic turbulence that is about to really hit after the lockdowns.

But, unless Mr Luxon commits to reversing this decimation of our rights, currently being perpetrated by the cadre of representatives running amok in Wellington, then we can be certain that he is just another pretender to the throne and whatever economic gains he may effect, should he become Prime Minister, will prove pitiful compensation for the catastrophic loss of government accountability.

Unless he stands with the people, drags the long-term objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda out into the light of public scrutiny, declassifies the contents of Pfizer’s contract and submits the ‘events’ of the last couple of years to a Royal Commission, then we must accept that he is colluding with those seeking to permanently end our personal and national sovereignty.

Rees Sutcliffe
East Tamaki Heights

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