Monday, March 31, 2025

Fish Fish Fish

There are fish absolutely everywhere right now! Heaps of anglers heading out wide to hit up those wild work ups, which are producing killer Kahawai and superb Snapper!

With many heading out wide to find the Snapper it pays to ensure you have a plan of what depth you want to start your fishing session in.

The Big Fish team has been starting there days fishing in around 45 meters, and with the help of those trusty slow jigs, have been landing Snapper after nice Snapper, the biggest of which was a choice 65cm! Check out those tides before heading out though, as they have been quite big of late, so when that tide turns, man do you get some rip! Heavier weights (and or jigs) will be needed here.

The Noises, Rakino and Tiritiri have all been action packed places to fish, so if you have the means, start there for your fishing mission.

The bottom end of Waiheke is not a place to be ignored at the moment, with 20lbs being landed in only 20 meters of water!  To land one of these size Snapper, tried and true, good ol’ fashioned bait and berley is going to see you achieve your goal. Stray lining with a nice strip of mullet or squid right in the trail your berley trail is a great way to lure those big boys your way.

Those of us who are taking out our wee inflatable or smaller boats, have no fear! The channels have started to fire big time. Motuihe and Sergeants channel are full of beautiful, well conditioned Snapper, reports of fish weighing up to 15lb have been landed. So, why
not give it a go ??

Top Baits : Mullet, Mackerel and Pilchard

Until next week, Tight Lines

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