Monday, March 31, 2025

New season, new fishing gear

Yet another stunning week for fishing in our gorgeous Hauraki Gulf.

Spots near and far have been providing beautiful and well conditioned fish for all who know where to look!

Through the Tamaki strait and up the Waiheke channel you will find work ups, huge numbers of Kahawai, Snapper and of course, Kingfish! When you find a work up, try dropping a big ball of bait straight to the bottom, Snapper and Kingy’s can’t resist a big bait amongst all that commotion!

Spots like Parks point, Motuihe channel and Sergeant channel have all been producing amazing Snapper and Kahawai, some snapper landed in the Motuihe channel have been up to 15lb! More and more anglers are using slow jigs as their preferred method to land their feed of fish. The season is really coming on nicely, and with the new season, comes the new fishing gear!

The Big Fish bait and tackle co already has new jigs, poppers, slow jigs, stick baits and a massive range of towing lures for you to try this summer!

It might be time to give some of your old rods and reels a bit of a birthday too, The Big Fish services and repairs your gear in house.  It’s a great time to get it done, before the serious action starts!

Christmas is fast approaching, so keep an eye out for upcoming deals on new season gear for you and the whole family!

Until next week , Big Fish team

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