Tag: Auckland Emergency Management.
Light: We’ve got our emergency plan in place, do you?
By Damian Light, Howick Local Board chairperson
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail”, and when it...
New contractors for city’s pools and leisure centres
By Laura Kvigstad, Auckland Council reporter funded by New Zealand on Air
Auckland Council has awarded new contracts for 20 pools and leisure centres,...
Mayor asks for clear guidance on what to do in emergencies
Laura Kvigstad, Auckland Council reporter
funded by New Zealand on Air
Auckland's Mayor has asked for clear guidance on how future emergencies will be handled...
Wet weather wrap – what to expect today
Auckland remains in a State of Local Emergency today and Rapid Building Assessments are underway following yesterday’s heavy rain and widespread flooding.
Despite the significant...
BREAKING – Heavy rain and severe thunderstorm warnings issued for Auckland
Auckland Transport (AT) is urging residents to take "extreme care" when travelling around the city today due to the heavy downpour which is causing...
Weather warning: follow the forecast and make a plan
MetService has issued a heavy rain watch for Auckland, including Aotea Great Barrier Island, and strong wind watch for Auckland this weekend. Auckland Emergency...
Focus on region’s recovery, safety continues to be a priority
As the region shifts its focus to recovery today, Auckland Emergency Management is working hard to support communities impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
“Safety remains a key...
Cyclone Gabrielle – be prepared to self-evacuate if necessary
Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) is warning people that Cyclone Gabrielle “has more in store” and to be ready to move if they need to.
Impacts of cyclone only starting to be felt across Auckland
Cyclone Gabrielle has made landfall in Aotearoa and Auckland Emergency Management is urging people to prepare for further serious and severe weather across Auckland...
Aucklanders advised to prepare for severe weather
Auckland Emergency Management says it is working closely with MetService, Auckland Council and partner agencies to ensure the region is as prepared as possible...
AEM: Be prepared for another significant weather event
Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) is working closely with MetService, the Mayor’s Office, Auckland Council and partner agencies to ensure the region is as prepared...
Settled weather helps with clean-up efforts
MetService is forecasting a settled run of weather for the Auckland region this week, apart from the odd passing/light shower today and Friday.
They are...
Nearly out of the woods – a drier couple of days...
Auckland experienced further wet weather yesterday and overnight, with rain affecting the eastern parts of the region this morning.
MetService meteorologist Georgina Griffiths says we...
UPDATE: Clean-up and storm response continues
Last night, Metservice issued a new heavy rain watch for the Hunua Ranges and Coromandel Peninsula from noon today to 6am Friday.
Auckland Emergency Management...
UPDATED: Auckland weather
Fire and Emergency was alerted to 93 weather related 111 calls in Auckland this morning between 6am and 8.30am as result of heavy downpours,...
Schools disappointed at order to close due to storm
On February 1, the Secretary for Education lifted the direction made two days prior that schools and other education providers...
More heavy rain forecast for Auckland
More rain was on the way for Auckland this week with the MetService extending the timing of the severe weather warnings in place.
Auckland Emergency...
Heartwarming: Auckland Council’s outreach effort to over 70s
Auckland Council Libraries staff have made around 15,000 welfare calls to over-70-year-olds living alone over the past fortnight as part of the council and...