Tag: Christopher Luxon
Luxon shakes up National’s line-up
Botany MP and new National Party leader Christopher Luxon has announced a reshuffle of his MPs' portfolios and parliamentary rankings.
He says the new party...
Luxon puts Bridges at 3, names him finance spokesperson
Simon Bridges is the National Party's new Finance and Infrastructure spokesperson, National Leader Christopher Luxon announced today.
The announcement was to be made together in...
Luxon takes the reins
Just one year after entering Parliament as the new MP for Botany, former Air New Zealand chief executive Christopher Luxon is the new leader...
Auckland lockdown pain must end
By Christopher Luxon, MP for Botany
Earlier this month, I joined Judith Collins and my National Party colleagues Simeon Brown and Melissa Lee for...
Park-and-ride ruled out
Park-and-ride facilities will not feature as part of two major public transport projects being delivered in east Auckland.
Auckland Transport (AT) spokeswoman Natalie Polley says...
Residents unite to fight busway plan
People living in a quiet east Auckland suburb are fighting plans that would see a major public transport project run through their community.
As the...
Questions asked over ICU capacity
The Government has failed to properly prepare for the outbreak of the Covid-19 Delta strain by increasing Middlemore Hospital's ICU capacity by just one...
Judith Collins meets local business leaders
National Party leader Judith Collins was in Howick on Saturday meeting local business owners about the Government's response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its...
Family caught in busway’s path
Just one month after moving into their new east Auckland home, a family is facing the prospect of having to move again because the...
Views sought on busway’s design
East Auckland residents will soon have the chance to share their views on the design of the latest stage of a major infrastructure project.
Police searching for new base
East Auckland residents concerned they may lose a long-standing police presence in the community can rest easy.
Plans are advancing to sell the Auckland Council-owned...
Cycle bridge back-pedal a win for east
By Simeon Brown, MP for Pakuranga
On Saturday the Government announced that they will not be proceeding with their ill-conceived $785 million cycle bridge...
Busway accelerated, cycle bridge scrapped
Future users of the Eastern Busway public transport project will benefit from the Government's decision to scrap the proposed $785 million cycle bridge across...
Move to delay elections slammed
Legislation that will give the Government the power to delay next year’s local body elections until 2023 is being met with howls of outrage...
Calling all budding politicians
Young east Aucklanders with political aspirations are invited to apply to become their electorate's next Youth Member of Parliament.
A two-day Youth Parliament is held...
Delta sacrifice has come at a cost
By Christopher Luxon, MP for Botany
After weeks of huge sacrifice, it will be a welcome relief for our community that Auckland is now...
Petition opposes water reforms
Almost 25,000 people have signed a petition opposing the Government's "Three Waters" plan to reform the management of New Zealand's drinking water, waste water,...
Luxon: Government must park Three Waters plans
Labour must listen to the multitude of mayors pleading for the Three Waters plans to be dumped, National’s Local Government spokesperson Christopher Luxon says.
Questions raised over vaccine mix-up
The Government is being criticised for waiting more than a month to reveal people may have been injected with incorrect Covid-19 vaccine doses in...
COMMENT: A lockdown reality check
Without warning, Alert Level 4 was upon us again. The move into lockdown was a reminder of just how unpredictable and changeable Covid-19 can...
Somerville Rotary marks 25 years
The Rotary Club of Somerville celebrated its 25th Anniversary, where around 140 people attended the black tie - gala dinner & charity fundraiser on...
Diamond anniversary: kiss, dance, and cake
Neil and Raywyn Dawson were told their romance would be short-lived.
"You're both red heads. It won't last past 12 months!"
They've recently celebrated their diamond...
Police station land will soon be for sale
Attempts to stop the sale of land occupied by the Howick police station in east Auckland appear to have failed.
As the Times has previously reported,...
Three Waters a big worry
I recently travelled to Blenheim for the Local Government New Zealand conference in my role as National's Local Government spokesperson.
The annual conference is one...
Transport boss fronts over busway delay
Hundreds of people packed into a local church to hear from Auckland Transport (AT) chief executive Shane Ellison about the future of the long-awaited...
Residents fight back against boy racers
Danny Wright remembers lying in bed the first night his family spent at their new east Auckland home and wondering if they’d moved next...
Government prioritises cycle bridge over Busway
The recent news that the Government and Auckland Council have delayed the completion of the Eastern Busway by two years is gutting news for...
Labour isn’t delivering in the east
Locals will be as gutted as I am that the Eastern Busway has been shelved for another two years.
The project now faces another inexplicable...
Nat MPs: Three Waters reforms remain unconvincing
While there’s a clear case for change in New Zealand's Three Waters - drinking water, waste water and storm water - sector, the Government’s...
East health group established
A public meeting on the loss of east Auckland's overnight medical service has led to a community-minded health group being established.
On December 15 last...
Cycle bridge prioritised over Eastern Busway
Friday’s news that completion of the Eastern Busway project will be delayed by at least two years is gutting to east Auckland residents who...
Council advances plan to sell public reserves
Independent commissioners will be appointed to read submissions made as part of the ongoing process to sell public reserves in east Auckland.
Auckland Council's finance...
Cycle bridge prioritised over Eastern Busway
Today’s news that completion of the Eastern Busway project will be delayed by at least two years is gutting to east Auckland residents who...
Community Housing Providers are critical to delivering social housing
I was at the opening of the new Salvation Army Social Housing complex called Kaitiakitanga on Chapel Road (June 3).
The complex comprises of 46...
Ardern opens social housing development
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has officially opened a new social housing development built in east Auckland by Christian charity the Salvation Army.
Ardern and Housing...
Community shares concerns over future of Howick Police Station
Last week Botany MP Christopher Luxon and I held a public meeting to discuss the future of the Howick Police Station which was attended...
Community demands continued police presence
Police have delivered a strong public commitment to maintain a physical presence in Howick despite uncertainty surrounding the future of the community’s local station.
A budget for benefits not jobs
The centrepiece of last week’s budget was a massive $3.3 billion boost to welfare benefits.
In line with the Welfare Expert Advisory Group recommendations, main...
Plans to sell police station land progressing
Police are tight-lipped about contingency plans should they have to vacate the site of the current Howick station.
As the Times reported in April, Auckland Council...
Howick Police Station integral to our community safety
Many of you will now be aware of the proposed closure of the Howick Police Station following Auckland Council's decision to sell the land...
NZ second last in OECD for vaccinations
We should all be deeply concerned about the speed and efficiency of New Zealand's vaccine roll-out relative to other countries.
New Zealand is second last...
Community marks the Buddha’s birthday
Messages of peace and harmony were the focus at an event celebrating the birth of a major spiritual figure.
Hundreds of people turned out to...
Police station’s future undecided
The future of the Howick police station is in doubt as Auckland Council looks to sell the land it occupies.
The station is accessed from...
Mental health targets critical
This week I want to talk about mental health which is a major issue for us in New Zealand.
In fact, one in five New...
Looking forward to DHB review
Last week Christopher Luxon and I hosted a well-attended public meeting on health in east Auckland which served as an opportunity for the community...
‘They have to follow the law’
Residents opposed to the sale of public reserves in east Auckland were urged to consider withdrawing submissions they'd made objecting to the move.
Community leaders...
Community demands better medical services
They turned up in their droves to deliver a clear message that east Auckland deserves high quality medical services - and now.
More than 400...
New law a capital gains tax
Five months since the election and after having spoken in the parliament many times now, I finally delivered my maiden speech. The maiden speech...
Public meeting on East Care
People upset at the loss of east Auckland's only overnight medical service are invited to express their views at a public meeting on the...
2021 a key year for the Eastern Busway project
For decades, east Auckland has been neglected when it comes to investment in transport infrastructure with the Eastern Busway and Reeves Road Flyover project...
Have your say on reserves’ sale
The time has come for people opposed to the potential sale of a group of east Auckland public reserves to make their voices heard.
MP: Infrastructure neglected
Infrastructure in New Zealand, as we all know, is at a crisis point. The issues are multi-generational and systemic.
Infrastructure as a word sounds boring...
Mayor receives petition opposing reserves’ sale
A group of passionate local residents battling to stop the sale of four east Auckland public reserves have shared their message with Auckland's mayor.
Chen calls for East Care’s funding
East Auckland-based Labour list MP Naisi Chen is adding her voice to those calling for East Care's overnight medical service to be reinstated.
The 11pm-7am...
After-hours service essential
Happy New Year! While the holidays may seem a dim and distant memory now, I trust that you had a wonderful break with your...
East Care petition backed by thousands
More than 10,000 people signed a petition calling for what was east Auckland's only overnight medical service to be reinstated.
The 11pm-7am service provided by...
Residents fighting to stop reserves’ sale
Irate residents are battling to stop the proposed sale of four east Auckland public reserves.
Auckland Council wants to dispose of green spaces it owns...
Bring on the new year
It's nearly over this year of 2020.
What a year it has been and, certainly for us in Auckland, the second lockdown was really hard...
MPs fight to retain overnight medical service
East Auckland's two local MPs have launched a petition in an effort to keep East Care Accident and Medical's long-running overnight service operating.
Pakuranga MP...
MPs fighting to retain overnight medical service
East Auckland's two local MPs are urging Counties Manukau District Health Board to urgently reinstate funding for East Care Accident and Medical so it...
‘Our reserves are not for sale’
The fight to stop four east Auckland public reserves from being sold is drawing some heavyweight political support.
Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown and Botany MP...
Yes…..Cockle Bay School carnival is here
With most school carnivals being cancelled due to Covid-19, Cockle Bay School is probably one of the few that will be going ahead with...
Ride a train or ferry to enable others to walk
Watch out for a sea of red at the Half Moon Bay Ferry on Friday, October 23 at 8am.
After last year's success of `Ride...
Christopher Luxon wins Botany seat for Nats
As the country waited with bated breath on Saturday evening while the early votes were being counted, there was a palpable buzz of excitement...
Luxon, Brown win seats in night of big losses
What a night on the hustings. General Election 2020 saw National record its worst showing since 2002.
Labour recorded an historic win claiming 49.1 per...
Luxon into Parliament, Brown retains seat
So, a quick wrap-up of General Election 2020 - Labour has had an historic win claiming 49.1 per cent of votes (winning 64 seats)...
Luxon, Chen go head-to-head
It’ll come as little surprise that there are very few swing voters in the traditionally blue Botany electorate seat.
Hosted by the Life Growth Community...
No place for principal’s office at Ormiston Primary
Ormiston Primary School roll has been escalating to such an extent that foundation principal Heath McNeil had to give up his cabin and move...
Botany candidates go head-to-head
All systems are go to have Naisi Chen (Labour) and Christopher Luxon (National), the two Botany electorate candidates, appear at the Life Growth Community...
Howick Youth Council candidates’ forum a success
With voting set to begin in under two weeks, the Howick Youth Council’s interactive candidate forums have been the first successful community meetings held...
Luxon: We don’t want our children paying the price
In my view, this election ultimately all boils down to the economy - how it affects you and who will best lead us through...
NZ ELECTION 2020: Taking Botany candidates for a spin
Naisi Chen (Labour), Jami Lee-Ross (Advance NZ) and Christopher Luxon (National) will be answering questions from the public at the Botany Meet-the-Candidates evening on...
Howick Youth Council holds community election forums
A series of community election forums for local parliamentary candidates is set to be hosted by the Howick Youth Council (HYC) for the Botany...
Brown and Luxon face a barrage of questions
What is it that the government has against small businesses? Don’t they realise we are the lifeline of the economy? Why is it so...
Huge turnout at Brown’s campaign launch
It’s all about painting the town blue, said Simon O’ Connor, MP for Tamaki, and MC at Simeon Brown’s campaign launch on Saturday morning.
Nats transport plan: eastern projects targeted
Today’s announcement that a National Government would complete construction of the Eastern Busway and the Reeves Road Flyover in full by 2025 is a...
Year of the rat: Honouring Chinese contribution
More than 100 National Party faithful turned out for a Chinese New Year event marking the Year of the Rat, last Wednesday night at...
Luxon: NZ faces unprecedented challenges
There’s a General Election towards the end of the year and Christopher Luxon has been selected to stand for National in the Botany seat....