Monday, March 31, 2025

What’s On: From July 26, 2023

Fire safety talk

Welcome along to Howick Library to hear our guest speaker from Fire and Emergency New Zealand talk about fire safety on Friday, August 4 at 10.30am. All welcome and refreshments are available.

Zonta birthday

Zonta Club of East Auckland invites you to its meeting on August 1 where members and guests will celebrate the club’s 36th birthday and reflect on the club’s amazing achievements in serving women and girls internationally, nationally and locally. We have a lot to be proud of in our club and would love to share this event with you. Join us at the Howick Club, Botany Road at 6pm. For further information email eastauckland@zonta.org.nz.

U3A speaker

Are you one of those good sorts who pick up the plastic and glass and cans as you walk on the beach or on your way to the shops or outside the shops? On Monday, August 14 at 9.30am, Hayden Smith of Sea Cleaners will talk about his discovery, whilst kayaking, of a huge convergence of rubbish in the sea just outside the RNZYS and under the Auckland Harbour Bridge. To date he has collected 15m litres of waste from our water. All welcome. Howick Bowling Club, Selwyn Rd. Phone Jan 027 220 3777.

SeniorNet meeting

Visitors are welcome to hear Associate Professor Stephen Hoadley present at SeniorNet’s August 4 meeting at St Andrew’s Church Centre, Howick, starting at 10am. Professor Hoadleys topic is “International influences on Senior Citizens”. This will be proceeded by member Kate Senner’s demonstration of more smartphone apps.

U3A Pakuranga

Learn Laugh Live. The next meeting of U3A Pakuranga is on Monday, August 7, at St Andrews Church Centre, Vincent Street, Howick at 1.45 pm. Visitors welcome and entry is free. For further information, ring Robert 021 1490069.

Dinner club

The Howick Women’s Dinner Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month for dinner and an interesting talk on a wide range of subjects. If you are keen to hear more, email our committee on hwdc.committee@gmail.com.

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