Monday, March 31, 2025

What’s On from June 7, 2023

What’s On is a free community notice-board for non-profit groups. Send notices to whatson@times.co.nz or drop into our office at 10 Central Terrace, Howick. Notices must be received by the Wednesday before publication. While every effort is made to run the notices, space restrictions may mean notices may not run. Keep notices to less than 50 words. There is no guarantee your notice will run. Where publication of a notice is time-critical, groups should consider placing a classified advertisement to ensure placement.

Mangemangeroa planting day

Join us on Saturday, June 10, for a morning of planting at the annual Friends of Mangemangeroa and Rotary community plantings at the reserve. Following the planting there will be a sausage sizzle for all volunteers.

We meet at the Barn car park, located at 108 Somerville Road, at 8.30am for 9am start, rain or shine. Volunteers should bring a garden spade, gloves, wear sturdy footwear, weather-appropriate clothing and drinking water. Children must be accompanied by an adult. All welcome.

Country music

Eastern District Country Music Club, next Wednesday, June 14, 7pm. Everyone is welcome to listen to our live music or come and sing or play an instrument. Bucklands and Eastern Beaches War Memorial Hall, Wharf Road, Bucklands Beach. Non-members $5. For more info, phone Bev 021 11 56 866.

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