星期一, 3 月 10, 2025

WatchMojo 毛利语在奥特亚罗亚推出

WatchMojo Maori launched during Maori language week

Māori Television and Te Māngai Pāho have launched WatchMojo Māori at an event kicking off Te Wiki o te Reo Māori in East Tāmaki today.

WatchMojo Māori will join a raft of other WatchMojo Language channels on YouTube and ride on the coat tails of its senior channel,WatchMojo.com, to take te reo Māori to the world – whiua ki te ao.

“The mission of this channel is Kia whakacool’ngia te reo – sharing te reo Māori in a modern way,” says Shane Taurima, Tāhuhu Rangapū of Māori Television.

The content on WatchMojo Māori will be predominantly in te reo Māori, catering primarily to second language learners.

“We see this as a powerful way to deliver engaging and humorous language that young and learning reo speakers crave.”

Māori Television and Te Māngai Pāho have launched WatchMojo Māori at an event kicking off Te Wiki o te Reo Māori in East Tāmaki today.Photo supplied

Te Māngai Pāho has led the partnership, as it looks to drive closer collaboration within the sector.

“We have repeatedly called for innovative content offerings to encourage more rangatahi to use te reo Māori in their everyday lives:WatchMojo Māori shows how this can be done,” says Larry Parr, Kaihautū of Te Māngai Pāho.

“This is a golden opportunity to meet rangatahi audiences head-on, with infotainment and programming they can like, comment on and share.”

Te Māngai Pāho and Māori Television have worked together to reversion the first 50 WatchMojo Māori episodes, which is available online here.

Event attendees were also treated to a sneak-peek of Māori Television’s brand new rangatahi content.

Māori Television’s in-house rangatahi team has been developing reo Māori and Māori content that is relevant, accessible and exciting to younger audiences. It will be launching across a multitude of platforms later in the month.

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