星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Special legal services

Getting quality legal advice is now much easier for Pohutukawa Coast residents.

Special services for locals are now on offer from Braden Matson and Breanna Fuller, who both work as lawyers with the well-established law firm, Frost & Sutcliffe.

Lawyers Braden Matson, left, with Breanna Fuller at the Frost & Sutcliffe office where they work.

They are offering to make house calls for clients by appointment, including outside of normal working hours, for those who would prefer to seek advice in their own homes.

They are also available for appointments every Wednesday at the Ray White office, 81 Second View Avenue, Beachlands from 3.30 pm until 6 pm.

Both Braden and Breanna live on the coast and see it as a way of providing a service by locals for locals and to give back to their own communities.

Frost & Sutcliffe was founded more than 30 years ago by Douglas Sutcliffe, who is now retired but works as a consultant.

Braden, who graduated in 1996, became a partner with the firm two and a half years ago. The other partner is Terry Sutcliffe and they are supported by a staff of 10.

Braden lives in Beach-lands and with three small children (two at the local school), he is very involved in the local community.

“Getting help with legal matters can be very stressful, but we want to make it accessible and easy with a personal touch.”

Braden and Breanna both handle legal matters such as property transactions (buying, selling and refinancing), family trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorney, relationship property, business matters and Elder care law.

They are happy to see clients after hoursfor signing documents etc.

Lawyers Braden Matson, left, with Breanna Fuller at the Frost & Sutcliffe office where they work.

Breanna, who has lived in Maraetai most of her life, qualified with an Hon-ours Degree in Law in May 2016 and has worked with Frost & Sutcliffe for the last one and a half years.

Like Braden, she has an easy and approachable manner, and is keen to work with the local community.

“Many people do not realise how important it is to get everything in place – such as Wills and Powers of Attorney.

“We can chat to them in a relaxed environment.”

Frost & Sutcliffe Lawyers, 129 Kolmar Rd, Papatoetoe
Phone 279-83521, or in the Pohutakawa Coast, by appointment
Email: braden@frostandsutcliffe.co.nz

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