星期日, 3 月 2, 2025

Howick Santa Parade is coming

Howick Santa Parade event organiser Bo Burns in the thick of it in 2019 before the pandemic interrupted. Times file photo Wayne Martin

Howick Santa Parade is back following multiple pandemic lockdowns and is only a little over nine weeks away.

Event organiser Bo Burns says Santa Parade committee has been busy since January organising the 69th Howick Santa Parade which is scheduled for Sunday, December 11, from 11am-2.30pm.

They have achieved much so far. They now have 60 floats booked with just 10 spots left.

We have 27 market stall holders booked for the Christmas markets while for entertainment, the committee now has a locked schedule for Moore Street, Fencible Park, main stage and throughout Picton Square.

Traffic management and event permits have also been completed.

“We have three main sponsors – PIC, Barfoot & Thompson and Andrew Simms,” says Burns.

“We still have character sponsorships available at $500 + gst.

“You can choose to sponsor two characters on the day. Your branding will be on the car that brings them down, and you will be mentioned on our social media and live commentary.”

There were also advertising opportunities in the parade map/pamphlet.

“We have developed a parade day pamphlet. There will be 20,000 copies printed locally and also an online version that will be shared and made available on the day,” says Burns.

“This is a great opportunity to advertise your brand/store and any specials you might have. Spaces are selling fast so if you’d like a spot, please email howicksantaparade@gmail.com.”

The committee is also calling for more volunteers.

“If you can help on the day, we are still on the hunt for volunteers for many roles.”

Volunteers can fill in the form online at www.howicksantaparade.co.nz/volunteers.

Meanwhile, there is also a girls’ night out movie fundraiser.

“We have a movie night at Monterey and still have 20 tickets to sell. We would love to sell these,” says Burns.

“Daisy Chang is also doing a special – Bao Bun and Bubbles for $20.

“The parade will be another huge day for Howick and we thank you for your continued support,” says Burns.

“Please feel free to get in touch with us at howicksantaparade@gmail.com.”

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