Counties Manukau East Police area commander, Superintendant Scott Gemmell, is leaving the role to take up a new position with police as Director: Partnerships — Tamaki Makarau (Auckland).
Gemmell replaced Inspector Wendy Spiller as east Auckland’s area commander in mid-2021.
A powhiri was held at Te Kura Maori o Nga Tapuwae in south Auckland on April 19 to officially welcome Gemmell to his new role.
“It’s both a privilege and a challenge to go to work every day with the opportunity to try and add value,” says the 21-year police veteran.
Gemmell says he’s “acutely aware” of the challenges that lie ahead in his new role and he’s invigorated and energised by them.
“Positions like this don’t come up very often. It’s brand new, it’s something that you can shape and it’s very exciting.
“It’s also a natural fit for me and in keeping with who I am. I’m very relational and values-driven.”
Gemmell’s new role will see him manage a large and varied group of internal stakeholders to manage, as well as community, ministry, and Auckland Council leaders to form partnerships with.
He holds the police’s Auckland partnerships portfolios for Maori, Pacific and ethnic peoples, Civil Defence emergency, retail crime and Corrections.
He’s also the Auckland point of contact for partner agencies including Oranga Tamariki; health and education; the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; ACC; and Justice.