Around 80 avid Scrabble players will be descending on Howick this King’s Birthday weekend to decide who will be New Zealand’s 43rd Scrabble champion.
The premier event in New Zealand’s Scrabble calendar has attracted a large number of entries from home and abroad.
Vying to wrest the top honours from current New Zealand champ Joanne Craig from Sydney are several New Zealand Scrabble grand masters and world ranked players including:
Jeff Grant (Wellington): 16-times NZ champ
Howard Warner (Wellington): 11-times NZ champ and current 2022 world seniors champ
Dylan Early (Wellington): Former NZ champ and six times South African champ
Andrew Bradley (Mt Albert): 2023 NZ masters champ
“Scrabble is a very popular game in New Zealand and competition at all levels in the national championship is fierce but also lots of fun,” said New Zealand Association of Scrabble Players vice president Dr Cathy Casey.
“Participants this year are from every part of New Zealand and are of all ages and occupations.”
WHAT: 43rd New Zealand Scrabble Championship
WHERE: Howick Bowling Club, 33 Selwyn Rd, Cockle Bay
WHEN: Saturday, June 3 to Monday, June 5, 9am to 4.30pm (to 2pm on Monday, June 5)