- By Ken Scott, Chair, Howick Village Association
On behalf of the business owners and landlords of Howick Village we hope you all had a great Christmas and festive session and are ready for what 2022 might throw at us.
We all hope it will be a more settled year.
For those that haven’t seen it, a suggestion would be to go to Fencible Park to view the magnificent Whale Tail on display at the entrance.
This painted sculpture is one of the eighty on display around Auckland from 24th January to 18 April 2022.
They are all part of the World Wildlife Foundation – New Zealand Whale’s tale public art trail, open for free access.
All 80 have been painted by local artists. At the end of the public viewing period the art pieces will be auctioned off to raise funds for WWF-New Zealand work, particularly in the Hauraki Gulf and with the Bryde’s whale.
Our local sculpture has been painted by local artist Ron van Dam and sponsored by Frith and Graham Jenkins from The Howick Village Optometrists.
A special thanks to Frith and Graham for their generosity in sponsoring this project and for Ron for all his creativity and hours dedicated to the design and painting.
Without their valuable input this piece would not be available for local’s viewing nor provide the opportunity of attracting visitors to the Village to view.
Saturday saw the re-opening of the Howick Village markets after the Christmas/New Year break.
A large crowd soaked up the magnificent weather visiting both the markets and the “Fun in the Sun” kids activity day in Fencible Park.
A big thanks to the public of Howick and surrounding areas on their patience as we manage all the guidelines in place for running our outdoor market.
We do appreciate the new steps we have to follow can be a bit frustrating but please remember those running the market are volunteers only following governmental mandates, set for everyone’s safety.
Stay safe, masked and vaccinated.