星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

Christmas in Howick Village offers fun for all ages

There’s a lot of entertainment planned for Howick Village in the coming weeks including the popular Howick Santa Parade. Times file photo Wayne Martin
  • By Ken Scott, Chair Howick Village Association

Yes, for those who hadn’t noticed, it is a mere 54 days or seven-and-a-half weeks until Christmas Day, and just 38 week-days to shop for those Chrissie presents for family and friends.

Already, many of our retail shops in Howick are festooned with Christmas decorations and lights, the season to be Merry is fast approaching.

This year the Howick Village Association (HVA) will hold it’s Christmas Fair (formerly Midnight Madness) on Friday, November 17.

The day will commence in the morning with many retailers offering special Christmas discounts and deals and in the afternoon the closure of Picton Street will commence.

You can expect to see the usual crowds of thousands in the Village (weather permitting) to celebrate the arrival of the festive season and to enjoy the shopping, entertainment and of course the Christmas Fair market. The promotion will end at 9.30pm.

Howick Local Board will hold its Christmas tree-lighting ceremony on Stockade Hill that same evening.

There will be entertainment for the children and the jolly fellow in the red suit and white beard should be around most of the evening. His location will be announced closer to the event.

The HVA will be encouraging businesses to get into the spirit of Christmas with window displays, lights and, of course, Christmas decorations, all to complement the street banners and the fairy lights on the major trees in Howick Village.

As this is my last Times article, I take the opportunity on behalf of the HVA and our business owners and landlords, to thank the people of Howick and surrounding areas for their tremendous support over the nine years I have been in the Chair.

It is your support that maintains the businesses in Howick Village and ensures we continue to have a vibrant, safe and fun village. Thank you!

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