The Beautification Trust’s month-long free out door and online festival, Eye on Nature EcoFest, had its final event on Friday (April 29).
The day was full of fun and enjoyment featured morning workshops from the Eel Whisperer (nickname for Brent Condon, who nurtures and practices kaitiakitanga for urban water ecology within Auckland’s urban streams), hāngī and vege curry for lunch provided for morning workshop participants by Papatoetoe Food Hub, and creative activities and campfire connections with Conscious Kids (a free play nature programme for kids) with “marshmallows and hot chocolate to end the afternoon with warm fuzzies”.
The Beautification Trust told the Times that it was a “fantastic fun day of learning about and meeting some tuna (native eels), flax weaving, clay moulding and kai taste testing with whānau from across south and east Auckland”.
“It was wonderful seeing so many smiling faces and the looks of wonder and delight as we learned and created together.
“We’re grateful to our partners who collaborated to deliver this special, free school holiday event. It wouldn’t have been possible without: The Eel Whisperer, Conscious Kids NZ, Papatoetoe Food Hub, Auckland Botanic Gardens.”
The Eye on Nature EcoFest had been organised at a whirlwind pace to replace the annual Eye on Nature Whānau Day, a gala-style event, which was cancelled for 2022 due to Covid safety concerns.
Running from 2 April to 1 May 2022, Eye on Nature EcoFest featured small, Covid-friendly, hands-on workshops, educational displays and a fun-filled activity trail at the Auckland Botanic Gardens, as well as online workshops and activities.