This year’s Auckland Brit and Euro Classic Car Show was a massive hit with the public.
Rev Dr Richard Waugh, chairman of the show’s committee, said the popular event, staged in Lloyd Elsmore Park in Pakuranga on March 5, was another great success with probably the largest public attendance it had ever had.
“Last weekend’s Brit and Euro Classic Car Show was our 7th annual event and this year the public attendance was at record levels,” Waugh said.
“We had more than 1000 cars on display and with some drivers coming from the Waikato and the Bay of Plenty and even from the South Island.
“A myriad of local organisations participate to make the event a success.
“I especially want to thank, on behalf of our committee, the several hundred volunteers involved.
“It is one of the largest free community events in east Auckland so it is very much for the community and by the community.”
The event had more than 1200 rare and classic cars and motorcycles from around New Zealand on display.
It’s sponsored by Times Newspapers, the Howick Local Board, Protecta Insurance, and NZ Classic Driver.
- View more amazing photos from the car show online at www.times.co.nz/photos/