星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Splash Pad shut down

Six days after its official opening, Pakuranga’s new splash pad is now closed.

The temporary closure at Lloyd Elsmore Pools and Leisure Centre follows safety concerns from parents over children slipping.

“Until we investigate further, we’re unable to say exactly why the surface isn’t performing up to our expectations and appears to be more slippery than other splash pads throughout the region,” says Auckland Council head of active recreation, Rob McGee.

“We have not received any incident reports relating to this new facility; however we have observed some behaviour relating to the surface that we’re not 100 per cent comfortable with.”

McGee says the splash pad might need repainting which would keep it out of action for a few days.

The splash pad, which was delivered through a partnership between Auckland Council and ANZ, was officially launched last Wednesday.

Seven-year-old Olivia Morfett and her classmates from Macleans Primary School were the first to make a splash in the new facility.

Olivia, who was one of the Auckland Council and ANZ ‘Design a Rashie’ competition winners says she felt lucky to be able to bring her classmates to the opening and squealed with excitement as it was switched on.

“I can’t wait to tell all my other friends that aren’t in my class about the [splash pad] and come here in the holidays for play dates,” she says.

Howick local Board chairperson David Collings also joined in the fun by running into the splash pad alongside the students – in his suit.

The opening ceremony was also celebrated by representatives from Auckland Council and ANZ, including Mayor Phil Goff and ANZ retail and Business Banking Managing Director Antonia Watson, as well as kaumatua.

Mayor Phil Goff says the two new splash pads are a win for Auckland families, offering kids a safe and active way to have fun this summer.

“The new splash pads are a fantastic addition to the local communities and will be a hit over the coming warmer months. They are designed to get Aucklander’s active with their families to enhance health and wellbeing and bring communities together.”

Ms Watson says ANZ’s investment in the splash pads is in line with the bank’s strategic partnership with the council to make Auckland a great place to live.

“As New Zealand’s largest bank, we are always looking for new ways to give back to the local communities.

“Auckland is growing rapidly and we are pleased to help develop more public shared spaces, so children and families can enjoy time together,” Watson says.

McGee says they are working through identifying and resolving the issue as quickly as possible so the splash pad is back up and running for the community to enjoy over Christmas.

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