星期三, 1 月 29, 2025

Teen artists shine at competition

The judges and one of the winners: from left, Matt Dowman (Fine Arts Lecturer and Judge), Sween Han Lim (Davis Funerals Pakuranga Branch Manager), Mervyn Appleton (Artist and Judge) Cora Delahunty (1st Place Photography, Howick College), and John Spiller (Howick Community Board).

The talent of Year 12 and 13 art and photography students from local high schools was showcased in the 2022 Focus Art Competition.

Presented by Davis Funerals, Focus not only provides an opportunity for students to share their talent, it also aims to encourage, inspire, and motivate students by giving them an authentic audience.

Now in its second year, the event saw the number of high schools taking part increase from three in 2021, to six – Howick College, Macleans College, Sancta Maria College, Botany Downs Secondary College, Pakuranga College and Edgewater College.

More than 70 artworks were entered and on display to the public at Howick College over the weekend.

“I am very grateful for the support we have received from Howick College and I am quietly hopeful that future events will attract even more participants and more pieces of artwork,” said Davis Funerals’ Pakuranga branch manager, Swee Han Lim.

“Our aim is to provide opportunities for our rangatahi to showcase their talent and this event highlights the number of amazingly gifted young artists we have in our midst. Each artwork tells a story and our rangatahi have taken a risk in sharing their unique perspectives and insights.”

The competition was judged by Matt Dowman, fine arts lecturer from the Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design and well-known local artist, Mervyn Appleton. Dowman and Appleton agreed that judging was tough this year as the standard of entries was very high.

The competition was judged in two separate categories with significant cash prizes for both.

The first prize for photography was awarded to Cora Delahunty of Howick College for her piece Twlight and the first prize for painting went to Hannah Thompson of Botany Downs Secondary College for her piece representing childhood imagination.

“Participating in this event gives students the confidence to believe that they can achieve whatever goals they set for themselves,” said Lim. “It is my hope that Focus will continue to inspire, motivate and encourage our rangatahi in the future.”

Best School
1st Equal – Howick College and Sancta Maria College
1st place ($850) – Cora Delahunty from Howick College
2nd Place ($550) – Ernst-Joven Quinzon from Sancta Maria College
3rd Place ($350) – Livleen Kaur from Macleans College
1st Place ($850) – Hannah Thompson from Botany Downs Secondary College
2nd Place ($550) – Amy Yang from Pakuranga College
3rd Place ($350) – Michaela Abbenes from Howick College

Highly Commended ($150 each)
Erika Cozma – Pakuranga College
Jaden Denness – Sancta Maria College
Maude Hughes – Howick College
Heather Lee – Botany Downs Secondary College
Cydney Leen – Edgewater College
Raine Montecillo – Sancta Maria College
Jason Nguy – Botany Downs Secondary College
Rawiri Paraha – Edgewater College
Amber Petch – Sancta Maria College
Zoe Purvis – Pakuranga College
Aimee Thompson – MacLeans College
Claeone Villareal – Sancta Maria College

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