You know it as Uxbridge – or Uxbridge Arts & Culture but it was registered in 1981 as Uxbridge Community Projects Incorporated.
The Incorporated Societies Act 2022 means that community organisations will have to consider whether they can comply with the new act or whether a different type of entity better suits their needs.
The new act prompted Uxbridge to move to charitable trust status although the organisation continues to operate under the Uxbridge trading name.
The change has not been entirely plain sailing says centre director, Vickie Bowers.
“We made some mistakes which were avoidable – we’d not want other groups to do the same so we’d be happy to share what we learnt with others going through a similar process.”
The Uxbridge Community Charitable Trust is now established and specifically seeking a trustee with financial expertise.
Can you help? If so, contact director@uxbridge.org.nz.