星期三, 3 月 5, 2025

Steve Weston – a jeweller’s tale

Junior journalist Pia Grover pays a visit to local Jeweller, Steve Weston.

The Times is giving local youngsters who want to write stories – which we’ll publish on our website and in our digital publication – the chance to join our new Junior Journalist initiative.

Junior journalist Pia Grover (Year 7) discovered a shining example of how commitment to our community is as good as gold.

When I walked into Steve Weston Jewellery at the Meadowlands Shopping Plaza, I noticed some exquisite rings as I was warmly welcomed by its owner, Steve Weston. The bracelets were beautiful with magnificent designs and well-executed necklaces. The store layout was very inviting with a wide variety of jewellery on display and Steve was pleased to answer my questions:

  • When did you start your business?

I started this business 24 years ago. The shop moved a few times within the Meadowlands Shopping Plaza – it was in the front, then next to Countdown, and now it’s past the food court. This shop is a little bigger than the earlier one.

  • Why did you start this business?

I have always been passionate about making and designing jewellery for as long as I can remember. I followed a career in Jewellery in Zimbabwe. Then, I decided to fulfil my childhood dreams by becoming the owner of a jewellery business and started this store to serve the east Auckland community.

  • Who are your customers?

My customers come from across Auckland and from all age groups. Some are looking for a new piece of jewellery, or for long cherished ones to be repaired, and there are young couples looking for engagement rings or special gifts for almost any occasion. I also visit local retirement homes every Thursday to help repair or polish people’s jewellery and make it look as good as new.

  • How long did it take you to make this business thrive?

It took three or four years to build the business but locals love our honesty, workmanship and great service.

  • What’s been the key to your success?

It’s been by gaining the faith and trust shown by families – this keeps me motivated.

  • What’s been your biggest challenge?

Initially, the biggest challenge was becoming settled in a new country as it took some time to adjust to the new culture and people, for example.

  • Where do you source your products?

Mainly, they are locally sourced but some parts come from offshore.

  • What items are most popular? What’s trending?

Gold rings are my most popular item at the moment.

  • What is your main goal for the future?

I would hope to serve the community for a long time and then find an equally passionate partner to pass this business on to.

  • Do you have a special message for Times’ readers?

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story!

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