星期一, 3 月 31, 2025

4 cases of Covid-19 in the community with unknown source – Auckland goes to Alert Level 3. Rest of NZ Alert Level 2

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Photo Hagen Hopkins


August 11, 2020

The Prime Minister has announced four confirmed cases of Covid-19 in one family from an unknown source.

The index case is a person in their 50s who lives in South Auckland.

They were swabbed yesterday, and the swab was processed twice. A second swab, taken today confirms the positive result.

The person has been symptomatic for five days and was interviewed this evening by the Auckland Regional Public Health Service.

The person has no overseas travel history.

As is our usual protocol we are continuing to trace close and casual contacts of this person and test them for Covid-19.

This has included household contacts of the case who received a rapid test this evening. Three of these tests have also come back positive and three are negative.

All close contacts of the four cases will remain in self-isolation for 14 days, regardless of their test result, and all casual contacts will remain in self-isolation until they have the results of their test.

In addition, we are working over the next few days to test all people that are working at our borders and everyone that works at a managed isolation facility.

There will also be no barriers to anyone that has cold and flu symptoms getting tested. Testing is free.

“I’ve said it previously, but it’s even more relevant now, if you are offered a test, please take it”, Director General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said.

In Auckland the four community testing centres in Northcote, Grafton, Henderson and Wiri will be operating with more staff and extra hours. The testing centres in Auckland, Waitemata and Counties Manukau are all prepared for receiving more people. Details will be on our website tonight.

The three DHBs in Auckland are planning pop up clinics over coming days and they will publicise the locations and hours of these clinics.

The Ministry will be working closely with DHBs and primary care around the country to ensure additional testing capacity is available to meet an expected increase in demand.

As we’ve been saying for several weeks, it was inevitable that New Zealand would get another case of community transmission.

We have been working on the basis that it could be at any time – and that time is now.

The health system is well prepared for this eventuality – and the important thing now is that we don’t let the virus spread in our community.

As we did in the early days of this virus emerging, we need to stamp it out.

There are things that every single New Zealander needs to do now:

– Continue stringent hand hygiene

– sneeze and cough into your elbow.

– If you or a family member are unwell stay home and contact Healthline or your GP about getting a test.

– practice physical distancing of two meters wherever possible.

– consider wearing a mask in public spaces or places where it is hard to physically distance.

If you have any concerns please seek advice from Healthline or your GP on getting a test.

If you have not already, please use this opportunity to download the NZ Covid Tracer app.

This will give us your up to date contact details, so if we need to get in touch with you for contact tracing purposes, we can do so quickly.

If you have fallen out of the habit of recording your movements as you go about your day, this case is a reminder of why it is so important.

You can still use the manual function on the app to record where you have been recently, and scan in using QR codes going forward.

A reminder too, for businesses – please have a QR code displayed so your customers can be traced quickly if required.

“Our contact tracing team will be getting in touch with anyone identified as being a contact of this case. Please be responsive if you are contacted – return the call.

“This case is a wake-up call against any complacency that may have set in.

“We cannot afford to let this virus spread.

“We have seen how quickly it can lead to a wider resurgence in communities overseas. Places that have had Covid-19 under control have seen flare-ups and gone back into a full lockdown.

“We are working to not let that happen here. We’ve done this before and we can do it again,” Dr Bloomfield said.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff calls for calm as city reenters lockdown

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff is tonight calling for calm and patience as the city goes into another lockdown.

“I understand that people are probably feeling a little bit scared, a little angry and a little confused right now. None of us wanted to go back into a lockdown, but we always knew this was a very real possibility,” said Mayor Goff.

“I am urging Aucklanders to come together like we did last time to stamp out community transmission. Please remain calm, please do not panic buy and please follow the lockdown rules.

“Please follow Ministry of Health advice around good hygiene practices and social distancing. If you have symptoms, please make sure you get tested and avoid contact with others.

“We beat community transmission once and we can do again, but that requires all of us to work as a team.

“Like last time, more details will be forthcoming over the next little while, so please keep updated through news channel and official government websites.”

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