星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

Soiled adult nappies found on beach

A resident who’s found multiple pairs of soiled adult nappies on Bucklands Beach thinks they may have first been dumped in nearby Te Naupata Reserve, pictured. Times photo Wayne Martin

Of all the things someone wouldn’t want to come across while walking on a local beach, soiled adult nappies would be near the top of the list.

That’s exactly what a disgusted resident has found floating in the water on multiple occasions on Bucklands Beach.

Former Howick Local Board member Garry Boles says the first time it happened was in April, then again in May, and most recently in June.

Each time he comes across them he uses a stick to pick them up and put them in a bin.

“When we walk along the beach we pick up trash as good Kiwis should do,” Boles says.

“The second time it happened my wife found it and the third time she said, ‘this is unbelievable’.

“There were five pairs of adult nappies plus the plastic bag [they were in].

“They were soiled, so it’s not like they were new ones.”

Boles says his wife believes the nappies are being dumped in a stream that runs from the nearby Te Naupata Reserve, off Musick Point Road, and that’s how they end up on the beach.

“She’s seen them in there before.

“Somebody must be coming down on a regular basis and throwing them away, which is disgusting.

“This is an area that’s right near the kids’ swing and it’s where people sit down and have a barbecue on the side of the beach.

“We’ve seen 10 pairs of them so far.

“The last one had five pairs of them in one bunch and the rest were threes and twos.”

Boles says the ironic thing about the situation is there’s a rubbish bin “right beside” Te Naupata Reserve which the nappies could be put into.

“You could go to the park and if you stop your car and get out there’s a rubbish bin right there.

“So if they can throw it in the creek they can throw it in the rubbish bin.”

An Auckland Council spokesperson told the Times the council does not manage Te Naupata Reserve as it was relinquished as part of a Treaty of Waitangi settlement.

Council waste contracts and compliance manager Warwick Jaine says: “While the council has received no reports in relation to dumped nappies, it is disheartening to hear of these cases of blatant littering that show a complete disregard for the local community, and polluting our environment.

“Illegal dumping of any kind is unacceptable and is often costly and time consuming to clear up.

“We would encourage anyone with any information to report it to us, so we can investigate and take enforcement action if needed.

“If people are struggling to dispose of their waste, we ask they contact us and we can offer advice and guidance.”

Report littering to the council on its hotline by phoning 0800 663 867 or email inthebin@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.

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