星期一, 3 月 31, 2025

Countdown to Howick’s Santa Parade

Bo Burns, the main organiser of the Howick Santa Parade, is expecting enormous crowds on December 9. Times photo Wayne Martin

There’s just nine sleeps until Howick Santa Parade and organisers Bo and Pip Burns are putting the final frantic touches to the very full programme.

Bo promises this parade – marking the 65th anniversary of Howick Santa festivities in the village – will be jam-packed with fun events, activities and floats on Sunday, December 9.

Pre-parade entertainment is from 11am – 2pm up and down Picton Street with four face painters, two clowns, stilt walkers. The main stage features fashion parades, dance troupes, a magic show and a surprise act at midday.

The parade begins at 2.30pm with 60 floats this year.

Uxbridge Road has four local sports clubs representing local cricket, soccer, netball and rugby operating a Give-it-a-Go section.

“All the local banks have kindly donated prizes on the day for the clubs to give out as spot prizes,” said Bo.

“This will be from top of Uxbridge to where the car park starts. Access is still available to that car park and Super Liquor.”

Moore Street will be closed with free toy pony rides, massages for parents, real fruit ice cream, candy floss, a hot rod show and a “few more things”.

( Howick Village Business Association market manager and deputy chair)  Jenny Foster is helping us to run Santa Parade Markets which is fabulous in the normal market spot which will only add some more ambience to the village,” said Bo.

“We have around 50 tickets left for the VIP Santa After Party at the RSA. There were 300 available, so this has been very popular, If you would like tickets for your kids or grandkids, please email howicksantaparade@gmail.com with your family name, how many, and how many kids will be attending.

“Your name will be at the door on the day from 3.30pm – 5.30pm and they will receive a free sausage, drink, lollies, time with Santa for their own photo, a face-painter and clown.”
The famous annual point to pub run is on at Bosuns. Runners can register with them on the morning at 9am, and then the Santa Session after party is from 4pm – 7pm with a live band.

“The whole parade is being live-streamed by the clever Dion from DVD Conversions from the top of The Prospect,” said Bo.

“This means the sick, elderly or disabled groups will be able to watch the fun from their own homes.

  • For updates check out the Santa Parade Facebook page here.

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