The Times is giving local youngsters who want to write stories – which we’ll publish on our website and in our new digital publication – the chance to join our new Junior Journalist initiative. Here’s a report from Junior Journalist Lola Ah Num.
Have you ever parked on the broken yellow lines in front of a school before?
Most of you will say no but you would be surprised how many people do.
I spoke to a teacher aid at my school who regularly supervises the school patrol, and you will not believe the excuses people have made when being reminded that they cannot stop there.
Some said they don’t know the rules or they are in a rush, but interestingly the most unbelievable excuse was that they don’t speak English!
There is a reason why there are yellow lines around school – SAFETY!
It is important for school patrol, drivers and people walking to be able to see clearly each way.
The law actually calls these No Stopping lines – which means you cannot stop there for any reason including dropping off or picking up children.
The amount of people that park on these yellow lines just to save a child walking a few meters is simply absurd – and very dangerous to other people.
The accidents and many near misses that happen around schools are too many in my view.
I have seen many children shuttled across the road in between parked cars, when there is a Zebra crossing just up the road. This teaches children bad habits.
There are safer ways to make sure children get to school safely. Leave home a little earlier, or even walk?
Look for an appropriate parking spot park a wee bit further away from the school.
Walking an extra few steps is actually beneficial for children, and that way you’re not in a rush! Older kids can walk to school with other children or walking school buses.
Most schools do remind non-English speaking parents in several languages about the rules outside their schools.
If drivers have a NZ drivers licence they should know very well that they are breaking the law.
- Lola Ah Num is in year 6 at Owairoa Primary School