星期五, 1 月 24, 2025

A safe and stimulating programme

At LifeKidz Trust we provide a safe and stimulating programme which caters for the age, gender, and cultural background of all children while attempting to encompass individual needs and interests.
Our activities and resources are sensitive and responsive to the different cultures and heritages among the families of the children attending LifeKidz Trust.
We provide a safe, fun, and exciting environment for children with disabilities or special needs.
Our highly skilled and trained support workers are chosen to provide the best care for your child.
They are an amazing group of young, vibrant, and diverse valuable members of our community who bring enthusiasm, fun and a strong desire to work with children.
We provide a wide range of activities, both indoors and out.
Our extensive all-weather facilities include large, secure, and safe play areas including our own playground, hall area, activity, and quiet rooms.
Our after-school programmes run from 2:30pm until 6pm. Holiday programmes run from 8.30am to 6pm.
Both are designed for special needs and able children aged from five to 21 years.
We also run a Day Programme for adults with special needs aged from 21 years. The day programme aims for the young adults attending to reach their optimum level of functioning through participation in meaningful activities, based in their local environment. Where they can express and excel in everyday life and experiences.
“To achieve a fulfilled and rewarding life in our community.”
We pride ourselves on our caring atmosphere, where flexibility is possible due to our high ratio of staff to children (2:5), and our family-type atmosphere.
We are in regular contact with parents and carers, to ensure programmes are meeting the needs of the those that attend.
LifeKidz premises are fully accessible for wheelchair users, with an outdoor play area, a large hall, and smaller comfy rooms.
We have our own transport available for outings.
LifeKidz, The Depot, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga. Phone 09 533 6360 or email deearna@lifekidz.org.nz.

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